Looking for inspirational Sorry in relationship quotes? I’ve pulled up the best collection of relationship sorry quotes, sayings and captions to help you express your feelings for being apologized.
It’s important to apologize when you mess up in a relationship. If you don’t say sorry or admit your mistakes, it can hurt your whole life, including your long-term love.
But just saying sorry isn’t always the answer – sometimes you need to make a change for the better. And if your relationship is toxic, it might be time to let go and move on.
Read More: 70+ Doubt In Relationship Quotes To Rebuild the Trust
In this article, we’ll explore relationship sorry quotes to know why apologies are important and help you look at how to say sorry for a mistake you’ve made. Also, look at our dedicated article on broken heart quotes.
Rebuilding Trust with Relationship Sorry Quotes
There are some experiences in life they haven’t invented the right words for.

Sacrifice is at the heart of repentance. Without deeds, your apology is worthless.

Love forgives and keeps no records of wrongs.
Sorry doesn’t prove anything unless you mean it.

But sorry is the Kool-Aid of human emotions. True sorrow is as rare as true love.
Mistakes are always forgivable if one has the courage to admit them.

I feel bad for making you sad. I feel guilty for making you question my intentions. I am sorry, baby, please forgive me.
The pain of seeing the tears in your eyes is going to haunt me forever. I am sorry, I truly am.

No matter what happens, you will always remain my biggest priority. Will you forgive me for what I have done?
I overlooked your happiness in an attempt to make myself happy, only to realize that my happiness lies in yours.

Never make a defense or an apology until you are accused.
It is impossible to change the past, but you have my promise to make it up to you in the future.

It’s sad, so sad Why can’t we talk it over – Oh it seems to me that sorry seems to be the hardest word.

When a person tells you that you hurt them, you don’t get to decide that you didn’t.

I feel bad for making you sad. I feel guilty for making you question my intentions. I am sorry, baby please forgive me.
An apology is a lovely perfume; it can transform the clumsiest moment into a gracious gift.

EGO three letters that Hold You Back from saying things your heart is dying to say like I love you I miss you and I am sorry.
It is never too late to make things right.

Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future.
An apology is a good way to have the last word.

I know I am not perfect and I make mistakes, but I am so glad that I have you to pick me up when I fall and help me grow into the best person that I can be.
The pain of seeing the tears in your eyes is going to haunt me forever.

Your beautiful smile has been hiding lately, and I know I am the reason. I am sorry for taking you for granted. You are an amazing partner, and I love you.
For all the pains and headaches I have caused you, I intend to give you twice the joy and peace. Just let go of the past.

I am sorry Mom for not wanting to hear your warnings I thought I was doing well and now I realize I was wrong.
Saying ‘sorry’ does not always mean you’re wrong, and the other individual is correct. It just means you value your relationship more than your sense of self.

I know I have let you down, and now I have emptiness and guilt in my heart. Can you fill the void with your forgiveness, my dear?
I’m sorry for blaming you For everything I just couldn’t do And I’ve hurt myself from hurting you.

I have never met a person kinder than you. I know it may be hard, but could you please forgive me one last time?
Sometimes saying sorry is the most difficult thing on earth. But it’s the cheapest thing to save the most expensive gift called RELATIONSHIP.

You are my destiny, but I have disrespected you with my behavior. Please find it in your heart to forgive me.
My sweet angel, how could I have been so thoughtless? It breaks my heart to see the emptiness in your eyes. Please forgive me and give me the chance to bring back their sparkle.
Sometimes the best way to say I m sorry doesn’t involve words.

Sorry for hurting you baby, I never meant to be so heartless. Please forgive me, because, without your love, I am a man lost, without his queen.
For all the memories we share, for all the smiles we have, it breaks my heart to see you sad.

Please don’t stop talking to me I really care for you I am sorry for what I did.
In some families please is described as the magic word In our house however it was sorry.
Forgiveness is not an occasional act, it is a constant attitude.

With a bruised heart and a deflated ego, with a sad soul and a head hung low. I apologize to you unconditionally.
When we’re not right, nothing is right. Please let me make it up to you by forgiving me, my beautiful partner.
The first to apologize is the bravest. The first to forgive is the strongest. The first to forget is the happiest.

Please forgive me for not living up to the vows I made to you on our wedding day. I promise to give you my all.
I’m sorry for making you lose your temper. But if I’m being honest, you look boiling hot when your temper boils over.
If I begin to tell you how terrible I feel, my message will run into pages. To cut a long story short, I am really sorry.

We are two headstrong people with our own minds, which tells me that we can work this out if we try. Please forgive me, my dearest partner.
Big or small, lies are lies. I am ashamed that I made you cry. Please give me another chance, I want to be the man you deserve.
My heart is trapped in regret and only your love and compassion can set it free. I love you and I am sorry my sweetheart.
I’m so sorry for hurting your feelings I take back my words and hope you’ll forgive me.
Hello from the outside At least I can say that I’ve tried To tell you I’m sorry for breaking your heart.
I’m not perfect, I make mistakes, and I hurt people. But when I say sorry, I mean it.
I know I have let you down, and now I have emptiness and guilt in my heart. Can you fill the void with your forgiveness, my dear?
Give me a chance to show that you are my life’s most precious treasure. I love you and I am sorry.
My heart has been leaking and bleeding since the day I hurt you Please plug the holes with your forgiveness. I am sorry.
I’m sorry, if you were right, I’d agree with you.
I never meant for things to spiral so out of control. I have made the biggest mistake of my life by hurting you. Please find it in your heart to forgive me.
I haven’t slept well, I haven’t eaten properly, and I haven’t shaved. You bring life to my world.
I just want to tell you that I did not really know what happened to me I m sorry my love.
Relationship Apology Quotes
I m sorry for being so annoying and demanding for the things that I did the wrong way.
I trust fate and I believe in love, which is why I know you’ll accept my apology. I’m sorry.
Nothing is right in this world if I can’t make this right. Please give me another chance to become a better version of myself. I am sorry, my dearest.
Your sweet smile is the light at the end of all my life’s dark tunnels. I am sorry, my sunshine.
You are a wonderful partner with a big heart. My heart hurts without you. Please forgive me and let me be in your heart once again.
I am sorry if you accept my apology we can move on from being angry and get on to being naughty.
My heart feels the burden of guilt because I will never forgive myself for what I did. But my heart also yearns the solace, which can only come with your forgiveness. I am sorry.
Sorry for hurting you, baby. I never meant to be so heartless. Please forgive me because, without your love, I am a man lost, without his queen.
Saying I m sorry is saying I love you with a wounded heart in one hand and your smothered pride in the other.
Oh, I m sorry for blaming you For everything I just couldn’t do And I ‘ve hurt myself from hurting you.
So this is me swallowing my pride Standing in front of you saying I’m sorry for that night.
Ever since I hurt you I have been feeling really miserable let s chill and be cool again I’m sorry please forgive me.
Every single second away from you, my partner, is like a dagger in my heart. Please accept my apology, for I can’t stand being apart.
The ears never hear the most profound apologies, but they are felt through the heart. Put your hand on my heart and just feel it weeping out in regret. I love you.
Let’s get over the past together and set up a new lease of faith and love. I am sorry and I know we will win.
Sorry, I didn’t get your message because I deleted it without listening.
I trust fate and I believe in love, which is why I know you’ll accept my apology. I’m sorry.
Every time I see you hurt, my heart melts and breaks. Please forgive me so I can become a happy man again.
Sacrifice is at the heart of repentance. Without deeds, your apology is worthless.
Hold me now It’s hard for me to say I’m sorry I just want you to stay.
More than what I did, I am ashamed of who I have become. Please forgive me, and I promise you will see the best of me in the time to come.
I know I was wrong for claiming that I was right. I promise to always give your view a good look. Please accept my apologies.
Everything is my fault, I’ll take all the blame.
I’m sorry to say so but, sadly it’s true that bang-ups and hang-ups can happen to you.
No matter what happens, you remain my number one. Could you please forgive me for what I have done?
Let us forgive each other — only then will we live in peace.
I know I was wrong for claiming that I was right. I promise to always give your view due importance. Please accept my apology.
Please forgive me for not living up to the vows I made to you on our wedding day. I promise to give you my all.
Did these Relationship Sorry Quotes help you?
If so, we hope you were able to find the right words to express your regret and repair any damage in your relationship. Remember that a genuine apology can go a long way toward healing a rift and strengthening your bond with your loved one.
However, it’s essential to keep in mind that apologizing is only one part of fixing a broken relationship. Equally important is following through on your promises and taking measures to prevent the same pain from recurring in the future.
So, don’t rely solely on words; demonstrate to your partner that you are committed to making things right.
Ultimately, it’s worth remembering that all relationships have their ups and downs. But by being honest, humble, and willing to make amends when needed, you can help build a solid foundation of trust and understanding that can withstand any challenges.
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