Are you searching for the best and most inspiring quotes by Marty Rubin? Look no further! We have dug deep from his works and come up with the best collection of Marty Rubin quotes to inspire you to the fullest. These best quotes by Marty Rubin will inspire you to face life, experience love, share in relationships, and much more.
Who is Marty Rubin
Marty Rubin is a renowned gay activist, journalist, and published author. He was born and raised in Toronto by leftist political advocates and activists. In fact, when he was just 3, he marked his first union picket line appearance in a stroller. During his career as a journalist, Rubin wrote for David, a weekly lesbian and gay entertainment magazine in South Florida.
Starting in 1977, Rubin wrote a column for Weekly News, another weekly lesbian and gay publication based in Miami but with a countrywide distribution. This column was called Biker Daddy. However, Rubin moved this column to David in 1984 and rebranded it Rubin At Random.
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Here are a few facts about Marty Rubin;
- Marty Rubin’s quotes are primarily captured in a book that Rubin published in 1987.
- The one and only book he published is called The Boiled Frog Syndrome.
- Alyson Publications, a publishing house in Boston, describes Marty Rubin’s book as a gay political thriller.
- The book is still in print and doing great in the market today.
- After a struggle bravely borne with AIDS, Rubin succumbed in 1194, aged 64.
Here are the categories for Marty Rubin quotes;
The Best Collection of Marty Rubin Quotes
The beauty of this day doesn’t depend on its lasting forever.

Behind every mask there is a face, and behind that a story.
Better to find one thing to live for than a thousand things to be against.

How often have our own tears blinded us to the tears of others.
Some thoughts are too angry to sleep. They lie awake all night and become obsessions.

Nothing saddens me more than seeing how quickly the dog grows used to its leash.
When a thing becomes indispensable it’s time to give it up.
Writing is talking to yourself-with the hope of being overheard.

Love hurts because we think that’s what love is.
I don’t want to be the one who says life is beautiful. I want to be the one who feels it.

Travel doesn’t become adventure until you leave yourself behind.
One is never wounded by the loved one gives, only by the love one expects.

The game of love is complicated, but love is not complicated.
Happiness never made anyone rich or famous. That must be why ambitious people avoid it.

The rain that falls wherever it pleases. I want to be that rain.
Some people have such good taste they can’t enjoy anything.
The first kiss and the first glass of wine are the best.

In my travels, I found no answers, only wonders.
Freedom began on the day the first sheep wandered away from the herd.

Love is not insatiable. What is insatiable is the need for love.
It’s not the wound that teaches, but the healing.
A brutal, relentless self-analysis lies at the heart of all despair.

The deep roots never doubt spring will come.
Drink freely the wine life offers you and don’t worry how much you spill.
We will remain lost, wandering souls until we can look each other in the eye and smile.

Parrots mimic their owners. Their owners consider that a sign of intelligence.
Let a kind word warm you when your thoughts turn cold.
Life is simple. You just have to stop trying to figure it out.
Boredom is the price one pays for not enjoying everything.
Practically all the sadness we experience in life comes from our feeling sorry for ourselves.
How beautiful to touch another’s soul with a word, a gesture, a thought.
You can spit on a rose, but it’s still a rose.
Tears have always been easier to shed than explain.
We all talk to ourselves. Those we call mad just talk a little louder.
When people have given up on happiness they call themselves realists.
We love those to whom we can tell our story.
Artists, by their free expressions, encourage others to be free. This is the quality that makes works of art enduring.
Real love is the one that makes you forget all the others.
People don’t think when they’re enjoying themselves. Thinking is a sign of disturbance.[/alert-warning]
A person can drop dead even while singing. But that’s no reason to stop singing.
Mirrors: they show you what you lack, not what you have.
Love doesn’t excuse our faults: it makes them insignificant.
The world is endlessly fascinating to those who take the time to look.
To one who loves birds, morning always wakes up singing.
We feel more than we can express, we see more than we can say.
April is the kindest month. April gets you out of your head and out working in the garden.
All hate is the result of people refusing to take responsibility for their own lives.
Love people, not places. Places don’t miss you when you’re gone.